Jason Lassey

Ive been collecting and publishing Sports related crowd, financial, and ratings data here and on twitter for about 12 years.

Time for AFL to ban alcohol sponsorship

Fairfax media reports that Michael Carr-Clegg, psychologist, wants alchohol sponsorships in the AFL to end. “I upset everybody at that forum by suggesting the greatest hypocrisy is with the AFL who continue to accept alcohol advertising, which does far more damage than all of these drugs put together. If they really want to get serious…

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Dogs incident turning into a Saga

Fairfax media writes today that the NRL could be considering strip;ping Canterbury-Bankstown of points following ugly incidents between players and umpires and fans and umpires on the weekend. The Dogs have previously had a 4 point suspended sentence pending the behaviour of their fans during the 2004 season. The close result was marred by some…

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Judgement Day looms for Leichardt Oval

Fairfax media is reporting that Tuesday represents “d-day” for future oval use Leichhardt mayor Rochelle Porteous said the lease conditions will be unchanged. “We are not proposing to change anything except ensure the maintenance of the ground is at its optimum level for NRL games,” Porteous said. “Everything is proceeding as per normal, that’s our…

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