AFL Participation 1990-2012

AFL Participation

Source: 1993-2013 Annual Reports

National Participation Figures 1990 – 2012 (all figures from AFL Annual Reports)

International Particpation Figures

  • 2004 – World Footy News runs its own census.
  • 2005 –  More than 10,000 people in 12 countries now play in structured Australian
    Football competitions.
  • 2007 – 34,845 participants. 15 leagues, 57 clubs, 303 teams, 9390 senior players. 4997 youth, 20,458 juniors including auskick type programs. [2007 census data here]
  • 2008 – 45,204 players in 41 countries (14 affliliated with the AFL). 295 teams in 47 leagues. Estimates 27,000 junior, 8000 youth and 10000 senior participants.
  • 2009 – 52,908 participants. 38 senior leagues.
  • 2010 – Participation exceeds 60,000 for the first time
  • 2011 –  100,206 international participants led by strong growth in the south pacific.
  • 2012 – 120,544 international participants (up 20.22%)

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