Timeline of VFL/AFL Broadcast Rights

Timeline of AFL Broadcast Rights

  • 1960 – the VFL rejects an offer of 14,000 pounds to broadcast the last quarter and replays
  • 1971 – Ch2 and Ch7 pay $200,000 a year for 5 years ($1 million) to 1975 (replays)
  •  1976 – Ch2 and Ch7 pay $600,000 a year for 5 years (3 million) to 1980 (replays)
  •  1977 – Ch7 pays $200,000 to broadcast the night series 1977 – First live grand final broadcast, Ch7 pays $100,000 for that and again for the following grand final
  • 1982 – Vic government bans the playing of VFL on Sunday
  • 1985 – Ch7 pay 3.5 million for 1986 tv rights
  • 1986 – Ch7 offer 2.7 million for 1987 season, offer rejected by the VFL
  • 1986 – Broadcoms offer is accepted after exceeding the 1985 amount, rights onsold to ABC for 1.5 million
  • 1986 – Ch7 rating plummet, offers broadcom 9 million to win rights back
  • 1987 – Ch7 pays $6 million a year ($30 million) for 5 years from 1988 – 1992
  • 1992 – Ch7 pays $17 million a year for 1993 – 1998 (100 million)
  • 1998 – Ch7 Pays $40 million a year for rights to 2001
  • 2001 – Fox, Ch9 and Ch10 pays $500 million for rights for 5 years from 2002-2006, Radio nets the AFl 2 million
  • 2006 – Ch7, Ch10 and Foxtel bid $750 million for 5 years from 2007-2011, Radio nets the AFl 8 million
  • 2011 – Ch7, Foxtel and Telstra bid 1.25 billion for 5 years to 2017. Radio fetches 23.2 million
  • 2016 – Ch7. Foxtel and Telstra bid 2.5 billion for 6 years to 2022.
  • 2020 – As a result of COVID the 2020-21-22 seasons are discounted for 7 and Fox. Exact amounts of these discounts are unknown.
  • 2020 – Ch7, Foxtel and Telstra announce a $946m 2 year extension for 2023-24.
  • 2022 – Ch7, Foxtel and Telstra announce a $4.5b, 7 year deal from 2025-2031 inclusive.


One thought on “Timeline of VFL/AFL Broadcast Rights

  1. Peter Jackson VFL Legendairy Finals Series

    Port Melbourne v Sandringham

    North Port Oval, Port Melbourne

    2:40pm Sunday September 4, 2016

    No footy televised in Queensland or Victoria (I have been informed) WTF????

    Don’t take the rights if you cannot deliver. Let the ABC or SBS serve the people: as they have with soccer and other sports.

    AFL footballing public not interested in the VFL perhaps or sack/reawaken the programme director: hmmm, marketing decision perhaps!

    Sidenote – Sheffield Shield cricket is no longer broadcast and look at state of Australian Cricket…..second string and grass roots, do matter; in all codes.

    If it is about money, think really hard about the long term future and viability NOT grubbing some cash today.

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