Thursday Night Sports TV and Crowds – NRLW, Paris Olympics

It was opening night the the 2024 NRL season and Thursday night NRL was unopposed in local sport, resulting in 383,000 viewers on Nine with 41,000 watching on 9NOW. The match reached 1.503 million viewers nationally, with Fox viewing still to come.

3,921 attended the game at McDonald Jones Stadium. (image credit – @JohnCMoriarty)

Olympic viewing on Nine and its associated channels got underway. Ratings for the 3am AEST Matildas match not expected until tomorrow.

  • Olympics 2024 D1 Late 308,000
  • Olympics D1 N2 358,000
  • Olmpics D2 Paris Encore 162,000

All ratings data cortesty of VOZ 2024.

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