All the TV Ratings over 3 million over the last 12 months

#Sportstv on FTA TV over the last 12 months (3m ratings ave or higher), The list is dominated by Matildas games and Origin matches. All data is from Oztams VOZ in 2023 and 2024.

  • #Matildas/ENG (WWC): 7.201m
  • Matildas/FRA (WWC): 4.013m
  • #AFL Grand FInal 2023: 3.855m
  • #Origin 3 2024: 3.652m
  • Matildas/DEN (WWC): 3.633m
  • Origin 1 2024 3.436m
  • Origin 1 2023: 3.421m
  • Matildas/SWE (WWC): 3.424m
  • #NRL Grand FInal 2023: 3.404m
  • Origin 2 2024: 3.263m
  • Origin 2 2023: 3.191m
  • SPA/ENG (WWC-F): 3.066m

This does not include streaming for the Matildas.

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