Friday Night Football – AFL back to #1 for Seven

Friday night AFL had the Swans take on the Blues at the SCG in front of 44,047 – the equal 5th highest crowd ever at the venue for the AFL, the third highest home and away season match, and Carltons best attended match there since 2017.

The match drew 656,000 viewers nationally on Seven, with a reach of 2.036 million.

Further north, and Magic Round launched for the NRL with 50,971 turning out to the first double header. (slightly more than the 50,077 from day 1 last year).

The Free to air coverage drew 575,000 viewers on Nine nationally including 65,000 BVOD viewers, with a reach of 1.255 million. This is up from the 560,000 than tuned in on Nine last year. (it also pulled 314k and 330k on FoxSTB).

data: VOZ.

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