Saturday NRL Attendances – May 11th, 2024

It was a big Saturday of NRL matches played across the Eastern Seaboard, with games in Tamworth, Sydney and Melbourne.

The Tigers kicked off the days play against Newcastle in Tamworth where 10,107 saw them take on Newcastle. This is just under what the match recieved last year (10,423) but ahead of the average for the venue which currently sits at 8,724. The Tigers themselves average 15,147 for the year.

At Jubilee Stadium, 7,517 turned out to see the Dragons play the Rabbitohs. The Dragons currently average 17,921 for the season, and 9,777 at Jubilee Stadium.

Finishing off the day, the Storm took on the Sharks in front of 18,670 folks at Aami Park. Melbourne home crowds average 20,446 this season.

All matches are Fox exclusive, there is no data at this stage. Crowd data is thanks to @LeagueUnlimited on twitter.

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