Saturday Sports TV Ratings – March 23rd, 2024


  • Sevens Saturday Night Football
  • Seven Network
  • Reach 1.656m (#1)
  • Average 504,000 (#5)
  • Prematch
  • Reach 751,000
  • Average 371,000

Sevens AFL coverage in the evening took out first place in Reach yet again, was number 1 in all categories except grocery shoppers. In average ratings it was pipped by Seven news in 25-54s, but was #1 with the 16-39s.

Australian Formula One Grand Prix

  • Aust FIA One World Chmapionship 2024 – Qualifying
  • Network Ten
  • Reach 952,000
  • Average 330,000
  • Aust FIA Formula One World Championship 2024 – Practice 3
  • Network Ten
  • Reach 742,000
  • Average 259,000

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