North Queensland announce a profit of 15.974m for 2021

The consolidated profit of the Group amounted to $15,974,783 (2020: $19,990,930), a decrease of 20.1%. The primary items that affected the results was the reduced level of Government stimulus and Grant monies received in 2021.

Item 2021 2020 inc/Dec
Revenue 65.408 25.227 159.28%
Profit 15.974 19.99 -20.09%
Poker Machines 16.153 12.143 33.02%
Sponsorship 8.986 6.451 39.30%
Gate 8.962 3.188 181.12%

The profit of Cowboys Leagues Club Limited (parent) for the year amounted to $1,189,631 (2020: $1,648,763), a decrease of 27.8%. The primary items include:

  • cessation of Federal and State Government stimulus packages. $Nil received in 2021, $1,994,500 received in 2020;
  • an increase in trading revenue of $5,878,680 (30.4%) from prior year. This was directly related to the parent being operational for the full year (2020 was impacted by Federal Government lockdowns);
  • increase in operating expenses of $4,343,312 (22.1%) in comparison to the prior year. Major item variances included Cost of Goods Sold (36.4%), Payroll (16.1%) and Gaming Tax (31%). These increases were directly related to the full-year operations of the Club.

Cowboys Rugby League Football Limited profit for the 2021 year amounted to $14,500,000 (2020: $16,800,000). The profit includes

  • building grants of $8,700,000 for construction of The Hutchinson Builders Centre;
  • Cowboys Charity Limited profit for the 2021 year was $253,572 (2020: $1,589,771).

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