Brisbane Broncos announce 2.897m profit for 2021

The Broncos Group recorded gross revenue for the 2021 financial year of $50,967,240 which is a 46.0% increase on 2020. Operating revenue increased 46.3% whilst non-operating other income decreased 29.3%.

Item 2021 2020 inc/Dec
Revenue 50.967 34.905 46.02%
Profit 2.897 -0.376 -870.48%
NRL distro 15.248 15.5 -1.63%
Sponsorship 12.757 10.31 23.73%
Gate 12.873 2.379 441.11%

The Group recorded a net profit after tax for the 31 December 2021 financial year of $2,897,260 compared to a net loss after tax of $376,227 in 2020. Profit / (loss) before tax for the 2021 and 2020 financial years were $4,257,300 and ($469,200) respectively. Earnings Before Interest, Tax and Depreciation (EBITDA) increased from $693,160 in 2020 to $5,473,440 in 2021.

Sponsorship revenue increased 23.7% compared to 2020, reflecting the Group’s ability to deliver contractual game day benefits in the 2021 season. The support from our corporate partner family over the 2021 season was exceptional.

As previously reported, 2020 ticketed memberships sold were reallocated to the 2021 season and accordingly minimal season membership revenue was recognised in 2020. As a result, total membership, ticketing, corporate sales and game day revenue increased to $12,873,931 (2020: $2,379,453) in 2021. In the 2021 season, ticketed members received their benefits with the NRL Telstra Premiership returning to regular Broncos home game scheduling. The 2021 home game attendance increased 148.7%, with crowds averaging 21,444 (2020: 8,624).

Total 2021 membership numbers increased to 28,533 (2020: 28,087) with ticketed membership numbers increasing to 22,253 (2020: 21,077) and non-ticketed membership numbers decreasing to 6,280 (2020: 7,010).



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