Melbourne Football Club has announced a $2.1m operating profit for the year ending 31 October 2021. 

Melbourne Football Club has announced a $2.1m operating profit for the year ending 31 October 2021. 

The result represents a $5.1m turnaround from 2020 and was driven by a combination of the partial return of games played in front of crowds, the ongoing commitment and loyalty of the club’s members and corporate partners, and the 2021 AFL Premiership.

A key summary of the result and the club’s position for the year is as follows:

  1. Revenue growth of $14.5m (47%) – including a $3.0m increase in match receipts, a $2.7m increase in merchandise sales and &1.7m growth in membership revenue.
  2. The result was achieved despite the significant impact of COVID restrictions – the club estimates a $4m impact as a result of the relocation of home matches, games being played without crowds and membership grinding to a halt mid-season due to the lockdowns.
  3. The Club’s Balance Sheet is in a strong position, underpinned by the Bentleigh Club land asset ($23.7m), cash reserves of $9.6m and no debt.

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