The Western Bulldogs completed the financial year ended 31 October 2021, with a total statutory profit of $6,472,376.

The Bulldogs completed the financial year ended 31 October 2021, with a total statutory profit of $6,472,376.

This includes a profit from continuing Club operations (before Redevelopment Activities) of $1,635,835, a profit from discontinued operations (including the gain on the sale of gaming operations) of $3,982,867, and a current year surplus relating to Redevelopment Activities of $853,674.

It is the Club’s eighth consecutive year of total profits, and its sixth consecutive year of total profits in excess of $1 million.

In 2021, the surplus from redevelopment activities was $853,674 (2020: $36,955 deficit) which included income from State Government grants of $988,954 in relation to the Whitten Oval precinct redevelopment, offset by non-capitalised costs of $135,280.

During the year, the Club completed the sale of its gaming activities, recording a one-off gain on the sale of $4,001,230.


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