News Wrap | Monday, May 4th | Vlandys tells broadcasters to pay up, Sport expected to lose $200m, New World Rugby Chairman, CA gets a loan

Plenty of news for followers of all codes today as Peter Vlandys takes on his broadcasters, even as sport nationwide stands to lose $200m. Racing declines to take a back seat to the AFL, and what can a new World Rugby chairman do?

A-league and football

AFL and Australian Football

ARU and Rugby Union




NBL and Basketball

NRL and Rugby League

“I’m used to that sort of rhetoric from Victoria, it’s nothing new for me,” Mr V’landys told the Herald Sun. “We set ourselves a challenge and a target date. Everyone has got behind it in the rugby league world and if we achieve it, it’s an achievement by the game itself. So those people (within the AFL) should really have been concentrating on their own business and their own activities without making ill-informed comments about something they know nothing about.”

“I disagree with that vehemently,” V’landys told the Herald. “ It’s got nothing to do with the product or what product we’re supplying. You can use all the excuses to reduce it but at the end of it, it’s how much you’re willing to pay. How much you can write in advertising, how much revenue you can get out of the product and work out how much you want to pay for it. It’s not about rounds, it’s about money. At the end of the day don’t worry about anything else … it’s the quantum. It’s nothing to do with what you’re supplying. It’s the quantum in these circumstances, in this economic crisis. We hope the broadcasters see reason and pay what we ask and then we’ll go from there.”



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