News Wrap: Light at the end of the COVID tunnel? Details for resumption of sports

The National Cabinet has agreed the resumption of sport will be important in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the health, economic, social and cultural benefits it brings.
It has agreed the resumption of sport must:
  • Not compromise the health of individuals or the community
  • Be based on objective health information
  • Only occur where activity-specific, stringent, public and personal health measures are observed, and meeting minimum standards

The National Cabinet has met and endorsed the “National Principles for the resumption of Sport and Recreation activities“. The National Cabinet agreed that the ‘Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment’ developed by the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) provides a guide to the staged resumption of sport and recreation in Australia.

Prime Minister leaves the call to resume to State Governments.

The Federal Government will leave the decision to allow resumptions up to various state governments. Morrison said that the national cabinet had agreed on national principles for sport and recreation, which was released today. The Government declined to endorse the return of any sport, leaving that to the states and their medical officers.

“The individual jurisdictions will ultimately provide any of the clearances that are necessary on a health basis to deal with any of the major codes, be it the NRL, the AFL or the others. We had a good discussion on that today and we received the advice that we did from the medical expert panel.

What will be occurring is that those jurisdictions that are relevant to those codes are going to, through the medical expert panel, provide consistent health advice to those jurisdictions … about the decisions they would need to make regarding the proposals being put forward by those codes.

But ultimately, those decisions will be made in those states, but at least they’ll be doing so on the basis of a set of consistent medical advice, and that should assist those codes on how they’re progressing those issues and not having to do it on multiple occasions.”

The resumption of children’s sport and recreational sport will be among the issues looked at by the national cabinet next Friday, Scott Morrison said.

Queensland clears the way for the NRL to resume

The Queensland Government has released a statement supporting the resumption of the NRL season.

“I said I was as keen as anyone else to see the NRL return and I meant it,” the Premier said. “The only condition was that it did not put our excellent work containing the spread of COVID-19 at risk and the Chief Health Officer advises that the NRL plan is workable.”

Following examples of players breaking restrictions this week, the Premier demanded further assurances about enforcing home-quarantine measures that are a cornerstone of the NRL’s plan. The NRL and Queensland Health Officer will have further discussions on those measures. The Premier said the decision gives clubs permission to travel across the Queensland border to play because they are working and because they are in quarantine. Importantly, it also allows Queensland players to remain in Queensland with their families.

“First round games will be played in Queensland and of course I put in a bid for a local grand final and we all look forward to hosting the State of Origin.”

News Limited reports that there is one condition – if the NRL suffers another breach of COVID-19 guidelines the Queensland government will slam the door on the game.

NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro said the NRL must suspend any player who breached COVID-19 health guidelines between now and May 28, warning: “If it happens in the season, the competition will get shut down.”

“If the NRL competition gets signed off, the cost of any (social-distancing) breach after May 28 will be significant,” Barilaro told The Daily Telegraph.” And I’m not talking financial cost. If a player breaches guidelines once the competition starts, it will get shut down. It’s that simple.”

New Zealand Warriors travel plans not given greenlight…yet

The Prime Minister was clear that the Warriors had not been given approval at this stage to travel to Australia, and any decision on such approval would have to come from the Australian Border Force.

“The National Cabinet has not provided that endorsement and nor is it for the National Cabinet to do that,” he said. “The individual jurisdictions will ultimately provide any of the clearances that are necessary on a health basis to deal with any of the major codes.”

As of April 28th, no decision had been reached.

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