Easter Weekend Crowds and Ratings

TV Ratings

AFL Fox ratings are down 5.63% after two rounds to 3.45m at an average of 181,000 per match. AFL metro ratings are holding firm, up slightly 0.23% to 4.881m, at an average of 271,000 per match, with all 18 matches so far broadcast in at least one market.

NRL Fox ratings are up 6.24% to 8.054m at an average of 251,688 per match. Metro ratings are down -4.24% (ave 395,000, 13/32 matches broadcast). Regionals up 0.43%. Total FTA down -2.53%. Total ratings up 1.79%. (GEM, Reg estimated for Sunday).

Too much data missing for the A-league and Super Rugby to even come close to being accurate.


At the end of R25, of the 2017-18 Aleague, attendances remain down 13.41% to 1,340,223 at an average of 10,722. R25 was up 1.97% on the previous R25 with 58,202 people through the gate at an ave of 11,640.

At the close of the 4th Round of NRL 2018, the league continues to enjoy a 17% up tick in attendance, with r4 crowds up 34% on R4 last year (easter was later). Average crowds are up 17% to 16,952 and a total of 542,461

NRL Easter Monday fixture between Wests Tigers and Parramatta was attended by 30,420, up 8% on the 28,219 who attended the corresponding fixture last year.

End of AFL Round 2 for 2018, and AFL Crowds regain most of the losses from last week with R2 up 5.63% on last years R2 and down less than 1% for the year (0.99%) to an average of 39,702 and a total of 714,644

AFL Easter Monday game between Hawthorn & Geelong was attended by 73,189, just ahead of the average attendance for the fixture (72,923) and up 17.3% on last years Easter Monday attendance.

AFL Good Friday crowd figure was down from 42,814 to 33,966, down 21%.

The crowd was 16,135 for – their biggest home crowd since 2012 in regular season game



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