Weekend TV Ratings – AFL R15, NRL R17

Please note the ratings below are reflective of preliminary overnight results only, and are subject to change through consolidation a week or more down the track. That particular data is rarely released to non oztam subscribers. We would like to thank all the sources who contribute to the data publicly available including Oztam, RegionalTam, Nielson, DeciderTV, Mediaweek, MrTVau, and Mediaspy.

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Round 15 of the 2017 AFL reached an average audience of 3.92 million, down from the previous weeks 4.62 million, but well north of the seasons low of 3.62 million in round 13 (which admittedly was a bye round).  All 9 matches were broadcast into at least one FTA market,, Adelaide and Perth recieving 4 matches, although one was on delay as arranged under the new deal.

Metro (5 city) overnight audiences rated 1.85 million for the round with Friday nights Melbourne v Sydney clash easily the highest rating game on FTA with an average metro audience of 605,000, including 305,000 in Melbourne and a season high 76,000 watched the game live in Sydney on 7mate.  Regional overnight audiences rated an average of 635,000 for the round, with Friday nights game pulling in 234,000 in the regions.

Friday night rated a total of 889,000 on FTA, followed by Saturday nights Giants v Cats game with 552,000 and Sunday afternoons Hawks v Pies with 415,000.

On Foxtel, the league rated an average 1.61 million with Friday nights game taking the chocolates with 306,000 viewers on average throughout the evening. Giants v Cats was the only other game to clear 200,000 viewers (208,000) in what was a lacklustre Fox viewing round resulting in Foxfooty being relegated to number 2 behind Foxleague as reported by ASTRA.

In 2017 Metro audiences are up 10% on the previous year to 31.9 million and an average of 283,000 viewers. Regional viewing has stayed roughly the same, while Foxtel has dropped in recent weeks and trails 2016 by -1.65%, down to 24,75 million and an average of 196,405.

In Sydney, the league average is down 5% to 29,000 on FTA and averages a further 17,000 on Fox. Melbourne FTA is up 5% to 291,000 on 7 and reels in a further 86,000 on Fox each game.  Brisbane continues its tv revival, as it were, up 23% to 26,000 on 7mate and averages another 13,000 on Fox.  Adelaide audiences continue to mirror the states good fortunes up 15% to 114,000 with a further 21,000 watching on paytv. In the west, metro audiences are up 4% to 97,000 with 28,000 watching on Fox (and perhaps surprisingly the AFLs second biggest paytv market by some margin).


Round 17 of the 2017 NRL season reached an average audience of 3.912 million, well up from the previous weeks shortened round and audience of 2.8 million. 3 matches were broadcast nationally on FTA, and 8 matches were broadcast in total for the round.

Metro (5 city) overnight audiences rated an average audience total of 1.18 million with Fridays Brisbane v Storm game (455,000) edging out the Thursday Eels v Bulldogs clash (414,000). Regional audiences pulled in a further 752,000 viewers.

Friday nights clash rated a total of 729,000 on FTA, while Thursday averaged 677,000 viewers. Sunday afternoons game came a distant third at 525,000.

On Foxtel, the league attracted an average total of 1.77 million with Saturday nights Canberra v North Queensland doing a roaring trade on Fox at 277,000 viewers helped by 94,000 viewers in the regions. Friday night managed 260,000, while third went to Manlys game from Perth which had an average audience of 245,000. Foxleague finished the week on top of the STV channel rankings, beating Foxfooty into the number 1 position.

In 2017 Metro audiences are down 9% on the previous year to 18.65 million and an average of 388,000. Regional viewing is down 14% to 12.17 million @ 253,000 while Fox remains just under the positive line, down -0.92% to 29.1 million and an average of 230,000. Fox Regionals average 73,000 per game.

In Sydney, the league remains badly down -23% to an average of 198,000 and a further 91,000 on Fox. In Brisbane the league is narrowly up 1% to an average of 152,000 with another 45,000 watching on Fox each game. GEM ratings across Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne average 30,000 per game with another 21,000 watching on Fox.




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