North deliver a net operating profit of $470,046 in 2016

The club recorded a net operating profit of $470,046, while again reducing the club’s overall debt by a further $400,000 in the last financial year.
Managing Director and CEO Carl Dilena said North Melbourne was in a strong financial position.
“We are very pleased to post yet another profit in the past financial year,” Dilena told“We are fully aware we operate in a really challenging financial environment, so our staff deserve a massive amount of gratitude for their hard work and dedication in helping us record this result. In 2016, we saw an increase in total revenue to $38 million, thanks to the growth in gate receipts, membership and merchandise sales.”
Key points – 2015/16
– Net operating profit of $470,046
– Football Department expenditure increase of $496,000
– Reduction of debt by a further $400,000 to $1.25 million
– Revenue of $38m, an increase of $1.09 million on 2014/15
– Gambling and pokies revenue $0

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