ARU to sign $275-$285 million Media deal

Various Media outlets are reporting that an announcement will be made tomorrow by the ARU concerning its media rights. News Limited reports the deal is worth 285 million at 57 million a year, Fairfax says 275 million at 55 million a year.

The five-year deal means the cash-strapped ARU has yielded $57 million per year, much more than the previously estimated $40 million per annum.

The boost has come on the back of British broadcaster Sky Sports significantly bumping up their offer to show games in the UK, while the deal is negotiated in US dollars and therefore the exchange rate has worked in Australia’s favour.

Under the terms of the agreement, Fox Sports, which is owned by News Corporation, will maintain live coverage for all Super Rugby matches, on-selling replay and rights to all Wallabies matches to be simulcast on Ten.

2016 will also mark the first time that Super Rugby, which was established in 1996, will have a free-to-air presence – Ten will have replay rights for one match on Sunday morning each week. The free-to-air network will also have rights to replay Super Rugby finals matches involving Australian teams.

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