[HAL] Adelaide United to continue at Adelaide Oval

News Ltd reports that Adelaide United will continue to play matches at Adelaide Oval despite poor showings there, including only 19,000 for its season operner against Melbourne Victory.

According to Greg Griffin, Adelade didnt choose the fixture and venue, both were chosen by the FFA, which has its own arrangements with Adelaide Oval. Adelaide United were apparently not part to that deal.

“The FFA have their own separate agreement with Adelaide Oval, which is negotiated without us. There’s a contract between Adelaide Oval the SMA and FFA which we’re not a party to.

“It’s our profit and our risk.

“There are two agreements, there was an agreement months and months ago between FFA and SMA and on Wednesday I was asked to sign a match day agreement with SMA.

“I signed it at 6.30pm on the pitch on Friday night.”

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