Asian Cup expected to deliver $20m surplus

Simon Hill writes that the Asian Cup is expected to deliver a $20 million surplus to the state and federal governments who spent $61 million hosting the event. He hopes that they will spend some of the proceeds on the local game.

We had unprecedented government and community support. There is no question that the Socceroos success helped build impetus, but it was the tournaments second game (Uzbekistan v North Korea, which attracted a crowd of over 12,000), that we felt all the work we had done in the engagement space may well pay off.” says Brown.

“We appointed over 200 ambassadors from across the cities from multicultural groups – volunteers who gave their time to connect with their communities. We attended 150 multicultural events to make people aware of the Cup, and we worked with the community leaders, multicultural media, and those in government who work in that space, to make sure they were engaged. All of which led us to the numbers we delivered.” added Brown.

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