Dogs incident turning into a Saga

Fairfax media writes today that the NRL could be considering strip;ping Canterbury-Bankstown of points following ugly incidents between players and umpires and fans and umpires on the weekend. The Dogs have previously had a 4 point suspended sentence pending the behaviour of their fans during the 2004 season.

The close result was marred by some controversial referring which has lead to the Bulldogs sponsor, Jaycar, demanding the league give the Bulldogs 2 points for the game, with the sponsor reportedly so upset with the refereeing that he offered to front the cash for the fine if the coach wanted to spray the referees at his press conference.

It’s high time the NRL, in situations like this where there has been an appalling breach of the referee’s interpretation, should award two competition points to the losing side,” Johnston said.

“If an absolutely stupid decision of the referee causes the integrity of the competition to be compromised, consideration should be given to an award of two points so the side hasn’t been unfairly treated in terms of the competition.

“There is a precedent for this because, on occasion, they take points off sides. All it would do is add a symmetry to that policy.

“There is no way this situation can be allowed to continue. The quality of the referees is declining and it’s just a joke.

“The NRL shouldn’t take the points away from the side that nominally won, because that would create other problems. But all things considered, given the narrative of errors the referee made, consideration should be given to the ex-gratia awarding of two competition points to Canterbury.”

Previouis Incidents

As reported by fairfax

The Bulldogs are no strangers to poor off-field behaviour. Three fans were banned for 15 months in 2004 following claims by Cowboys supporters that they were abused.A firecracker was lit at a Bulldogs semi-final that same year, and there was a series of brawls during a match with the Roosters in 2004.

Members of the Bulldogs Army signed a code of conduct the next year as the club tried to put a halt to poor behaviour. A year later, six young men bashed three Tigers supporters after a match. In 2009, a Canterbury fan was banned for life and two others banned for five years following incidents against the Rabbitohs during an Easter Monday clash.

ref: … mel1n.html

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