AFL Euro Cup 2014 is the biggest ever

With the AFL and state league seasons over, the centre of Australian football moves to London and the 2014 Axios IT Euro Cup.

Ben McCormack, the CEO of AFL Europe, says that with 16 mens sides and 5 womens sides, this is the largest tournament since the competition was first held in 2005..

One of the mens sides is the European Crusaders – a multinational side consisting of Czechs, Finns and others who couldnt make a national side in time for the tournament.

The Womens competition wont feature a Crusaders side this year – but where the Euro Cup has never had more than two womens sides, they will have a record breaking five this year. Denmark, England and Scotland will be there for the first time, joining the French and Irish.

The Euro Cup is a nine a side competition, which will be played at London Irish club in Sunbury. The Tournament is held over six fields. Ben says that they’ve rounded off the corners to give the pitches an oval feel.

The tournament is held over a single day and features 53 matches taking about half an hour each, with 12 minute halves for the men, and 10 minute halves for the women.

While the Irish are perceived as the strongest team in Europe, last years mens tournament was won by a side from England, and in fact, the English have won the tournament three times, as opposed to the Irish with two.

The entire tournament will be streamed live on youtube here. You can listen to the interview with the AFL Europe CEO here.

Mens Tournament Sides

  • Swedish Elks
  • Austrian Avalanche
  • Norwegian Trolls
  • Denmark Vikings
  • France Les Coqs
  • Catalunya Llops
  • Scottish Clansmen
  • Spanish Bulls
  • Flying Dutchmen
  • Irish Warriors
  • England Dragonslayers
  • Croatian Knights
  • Welsh Dragons
  • European Crusaders
  • German Black Eagles
  • Italia Azzurri

Womens Tournament Sides

  • France Les Gauloises
  • Irish Banshees
  • Denmark Valkyies
  • England Vixens
  • Scottish Sirens


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