Gold Coast to build $20 million facility at Carrara

Source: News Ltd

The Gold Coast Suns appear likely to contribute 20 million to a 106 million facility at Carrara being built for the Commonwealth Games in 2018. The facility includes an upgrade of Metricon stadium, and will require the Suns to vacate the premises during the Commonwealth Games.

Suns chairman John Witheriff said the philosophy behind the planning for the precinct was that it became a financial asset for the city after the Games as a key elite sporting destination.

He said the Suns, as major tenants, would have a role to play in managing the facility.

“If you look at the Indian situation after their Commonwealth Games, a lot of those assets are simply being bulldozed and knocked down,” he said.

“That’s not going to happen in Queensland, the Gold Coast Suns are going to have to wear the costs and expense of ensuring that a number of those legacy assets are maintained for benefit of community.

“It just won’t be a piece of Gold Coast Suns infrastructure, it will be one where the Suns interact with a whole lot of other sporting teams and our skills are shared and our medical information shared and out athletic knowledge is shared.”

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